Tuesday, July 9, 2013

I Wish I'd Started This Journey Sooner . . .

I really wish that I had started homeschooling from the get-go.
I think life would be so much simpler if I had.
I would already be sure of things like curriculum and schedules. And my children wouldn't question my authority - they'd be beyond the testing phase.
They both still remember their "old schools" and refer back to them often -
"In My Old School . . ."
"In Mrs. So-and-so's class . . ."
Some say that it's a sign that we haven't "deschooled" enough.
I think it's because we haven't HOMESCHOOLED enough.
I keep hoping that once we get our curriculum going things will change.
I have this secret wish that one morning they will wake up and be ready to face the day.
That one day they'll accept me as not only "mommy" but as "teacher".
I really wish that I had started homeschooling from the get-go.
Maybe it would be so much easier . . .

1 comment:

  1. It has nothing to do with de-schooling or homeschooling for that matter. Just memories that they will always have, good and bad.
